I stumbled across this project via the Hot Rod site
The Jalopy Journal. It's one man's re-creation of a classic board racing motorcycle using - I kid you not - a cunningly modified lawn mower engine. Board racing stadiums (make that stadia) sprang up across North America just prior to World War 1. They wwere made out of wood with banked corners and the racers would often drill the cylinder barrels in the vain hope that this would prevent seizure at high revs. What this did achieve, however, was lots of oil on an already slippery track and tumbles and crashes were inevitable. One guy had a splinter removed from his leg that was - if my memory serves me right - over 3 feet long.
The original board track racers were heroes. Well paid dare-devils, they would blow their spectacular winnings in the local bars and cat houses for their life expectancy was probably the lowest of any sportsmen of the time- in fact, don't make that low, make that out of sight.
Engine Punk : because the overall look is achieved out of sheer cheek and ingenuity.
Read more about the project here at
Boardtrack replica.